Plansa gradului al treilea (reprezentare grafica)

Lucrarea de mai sus este o reprezentare moderna a tabloului de gradului al treilea. Este incarcat cu metafora si simbolism, intelese de toti Maestii Masoni.
Reprezentarea grafica a fost creata ca ajutor vizual pentru a ilustra simbolurile si invataturile Francmsoneriei transmise in cadrul gradului trei.
Unic in aceasta plansa este povestea transformarii neofitului prin ascensiunea progresiva prin intermediul a trei sfere culminand in spatiul divin. Conceptul celor trei sfere vine de la alchimistul Agrippa si cartile sale de Filosofie oculta si reprezinta sfera pamanteasca a omului (materia), taramul ceresc al ingerilor (spiritul) si taramul ceresc al divinului (sufletul). Aceste trei sfere sunt adesea mentionate ca Monade.
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3rd Degree Tracing Board
The work above is a modern representation of the third degree tracing boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Master Masons.
Tracing boards were originally created as visual aids to illustrate the symbols and teachings of Freemasonry as conveyed within their corresponding degree.
Unique in this board is the story of the transformation of the neophyte through a progressive ascension through three spheres culminating into the space of the divine. The notion of these spheres comes from the alchemist Agrippa and his work from Three Books of Occult Philosophy, and they represent the earthly realm of man (materia), the celestial realm of angels (spirit), and the super celestial realm of the divine (soul). This third shperes is often referred to as the Monad.
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