Plansa gradului al doilea (reprezentare grafica)

Lucrarea de mai sus este o reprezentare moderna a tabloului de gradului al doilea. Este incarcat cu metafora si simbolism, intelese de toti Companionii Masoni.
Subtitlul piesei este: "Evolutia omului este alchimia a spiritului".
Reprezentarea grafica a fost creata ca ajutor vizual pentru a ilustra sensurile si principiile Francmsoneriei invatate in cadrul gradelor.
In imagine exista mai multe interpretari simbolice si ezoterice. Miscarea interioara devine punctul central al gradului, trecerea sinelui de la pasiv la activ catre Divin.
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2nd Degree Tracing Board
The work above is a modern representation of the second degree tracing boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Fellowcraft Masons.
A sub title for the piece is: "evolution of man is the alchemy of the spirit".
The First Tracing boards were created as visual aids used to illustrate the meanings and principals of Freemasonry as taught within the degrees.
In the image there are many symbolic and esoteric interpretations. The movement inward becomes the focus of the degree, passive to active moving the self towards the divine.
Copyright – Freemason Information ©2008. All rights reserved.